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Performance Based Programs

At Girard Chemical we put our money where our mouth is. We guarantee the results of our programs. How can we be so confident? Two words say it all – experience and testing. Using analytical techniques combined with testing of certain key parameters yields information clearly indicating the effectiveness of the program. By keeping close watch on these key levels excellent results are assured.

Pipetting Samples and Test Tube
Boiler: About the Company


In boiler systems one of the key components we track is soluble iron. From feedwater thru condensate all areas are tested to provide a clear picture of how iron is transporting in your system – a simple mass balance study. Not only does this type of analysis differentiate us from our competitors but also our experience in correctly interpreting the results is invaluable. Listed below are the key parameters we monitor. Do your levels match these?

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Girard Chemical stands behind its programs. If the above levels are consistently meet and the results do not meet your expectations Girard Chemical will refund the entire cost of the program.

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Our turnkey programs are as advertised, Girard Chemical runs the entire program with the customer providing only oversight. Most importantly this eliminates any chemical exposure to your employees. A trained and experienced representative from Girard Chemical handles chemical deliveries into containment tanks. Testing, service of control/feed systems, and reports completes the package. Remote monitoring and control are also available.

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The patents have expired on the florescene dye tracer products so this technology is now available from Girard Chemical at a reasonable cost. We provide both the product and the control equipment which can be purchased.

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With our superior field testing capabilities we can accurately gauge the results of our programs. Take iron deposits for example. The iron originates not in the boiler but the condensate system. Even the best protected system has minor ferrous corrosion and the corrosion by-products – rust – return to the boiler. Removing these iron deposits is the most difficult task for any treatment program. All our boiler treatment products contain an iron dispersant substantially improving their performance.


Our case study involves 4 -B&W D Type high pressure water tube boilers with old phosphate/iron deposits. Before initiating our program we established a baseline level for iron in the boilers. Immediately after we began our program the iron levels shoot up to 4X our baseline average indicating the program was working. Photos of the boilerwater before and after visibly show the dramatic increase in iron levels. At the annual inspection there were three 5g buckets of small rust/phosphate chips in the mud drum. The customer was very satisfied with the results and said he wanted to increase the treatment dosage to hasten cleaning.

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Iron bearing deposits have the highest insulation value compared to other deposits. By formulating with an iron dispersant we consistently maintain a positive mass balance of iron in the boilerwater. This strongly indicates removal of existing deposits which the annual inspection confirms – one to two 5g pails of deposits in the mud drum. We estimate removal of over 100 lbs/annually of iron bearing deposits from a typical B&W D Type water tube boiler rated at 120M #/hr.


How much iron can we remove from your boilers?

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A major central utility using steam turbines to drive large chillers had difficulty keeping the rotor blades clean. Deposit analysis showed primarily iron. Soluble iron in the surface condenser water was high while the pH was low. Prior to our program the surface condenser water was never individually tested so iron and pH levels were not known. Installing a sampling point was our first objective.


We began monitoring iron levels in the surface condenser water before our program was started. The graph clearly shows how iron levels significantly dropped off. This was a direct result of increasing pH levels to their correct range. The bottom line is the excellent condition of the rotors after we operated the program for a season. The customer was elated.

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A sizeable percentage of the problems we encounter can be traced directly backed to improper boiler lay-up. Boiler lay-up is the fine art of providing corrosion protection when the boilers are off line. Not only does a strategy and procedure need to be developed but most critical an annual inspection of both water and fire side of all major equipment sections. We have seen failures on the fire side of economizers from moisture condensation on humid days that went undetected for thirty years. Several different types of corrosion can occur which further complicates matters. Finally each installation is unique. So it is critical not only to understand the theory of the corrosion but also how it applies to your system. Please consult your Girard Chemical representative.

Boiler: Welcome
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